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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Quantitative
  • Simple Percentage
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000


In the last decade, computer technology has taken a giant leap forward in helping students achieve academic goals and in addition, gain employable skills. The use of computer technology can enable students to more successfully explore the world around them, to communicate their needs to others, and to make choices about their world. Computer applications can serve as an equalizer for a children with low educational performance so that he or she can function in the same settings and in similar levels with his or her peers (Abimbola, 1988). Students who are just beginning to find out about the world can use the computer as a tool to experience the consequences of their actions. Technology– used thoughtfully and creatively and as a teaching machine– can engender and support educational environments that will empower children to flourish in the 21st century.

Computer-based learning appears to have a positive impact on students, both those typically with high and low academic performance. Research results suggest the impact of technology in classrooms depends on: (a) the quality of the software, (b) the attitude of the teachers, (c) the physical and social arrangement, and (d) the accessibility of the technology (Achuonye 2002). Research evidence indicates that there are positive outcomes between students learning with computer based instructions than those learning without it. Computers provide the tools to make inclusion possible and easier. Appropriate technology applications and adaptations can provide many children with disabilities a means of opening the door to an array of learning opportunities that was previously unavailable to them.

For computers to have an impact on students learning, computer activities need to mesh with students educational goals. When computers are integrated into the curriculum, students are provided a set of tools to assist them in achieving developmental goals across integrated content areas. Given the vast array of adaptive devices, any students can use a computer. Through the use of computer technology, students may be able to participate independently in activities such as reading a story, working puzzles, drawing, making music or painting. Best practices in early education stress that appropriate technology be integrated into the daily routine of classroom activity and be used as one of many options to support students learning (Osokoya, 2007). In spite of increased access to computer technology, a number of educators view technology as an alternative way to develop isolated skills rather than as a tool to be integrated into daily activities (Abimbola, 1988).


Given these emerging views and research findings, the use of computers in early educational classrooms is rapidly increasing. Recent studies have indicated that approximately 30% of teachers reported having computers in their classrooms or easy access to technology (Osokoya, 2007). However, descriptions of how computers are actually used in classrooms are less clear than if computers are being used at all. Generally, investigation of computer use as a means of facilitating learning of students has been very limited. While other assistive technology applications may positively impact a student development, this study focused on the use of software packages in classrooms.

According to Wlodkowski, (1999), in spite of the tremendous positive impact that has been reported in regard to the use of computer technology with students, most professionals use these technologies in traditional ways, including drills in basic skills and instructional games. It now seems apparent that the extent to which computers are used to enrich the learning experiences of students depends on the computer knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the professionals who serve them. Several conditions are necessary to ensure successful technology outcomes for students (Tety 2016). These include appropriate goals for computer use, sufficient staff training, and appropriate software selection.


The primary objective of this study is to examine the awareness and utilization of adobe photoshop to teach painting in senior secondary schools in Abeokuta Local Government of Ogun State. Other specific aims of this study are:

  1. To determine the awareness level of students about adobe photoshop.

  2. To examine the level of usage of adobe photoshop by students while learning about painting.

  3. To determine if the students experience any difficulty in using this software

  4. To determine if the use of adobe photoshop by students is effective in learning

  5. To examine the challenges encountered during the use of software to teach.


The following research questions will be answered in this study:

  1. What is the awareness level of students about adobe photoshop?

  2. What is the level of usage of adobe photoshop by students while learning about painting?

  3. Do students experience any difficulty in using this software?

  4. Is the use of adobe photoshop by students is effective in learning?

  5. What are the challenges encountered during the use of software to teach?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


This study will be greatly significant to the education sector as it will reveal how important the use of software packages in teaching aids the performance of both teachers and students. It will also be beneficial to parents/guardians of wards in schools as the study will also reveal how effective the use of computer packages to learn will aid their learning and also earn them employable skills.

Finally, this study will serve as an existing material for further studies or research and future reference by scholars or students who wish to expand on this work.


This study will be focusing on the awareness and utilization of adobe photoshop to teach painting in senior secondary schools in Abeokuta Local Government of Ogun State. Specifically, it will be focusing on determining the awareness level of students about adobe photoshop, examining the level of usage of adobe photoshop by students while learning about painting, determining if the students experience any difficulty in using this software, determining if the use of adobe photoshop by students is effective in learning and examining the challenges encountered during the use of software to teach.

Selected teachers and students of senior secondary schools in Abeokuta Local Government of Ogun State will serve as enrolled participants for the survey.


Finance for the general research work was a challenge during the course of study. Respondents were not also willing to complete or submit the questionnaires given to them.

However, these constraints were worked on by making the best use of the available materials and spending more than the necessary time in the research work. Therefore, it is strongly believed that despite these constraint, its effect on this research report was be minimal, thus, making the objective and significance of the study achievable.


Awareness: knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.

Utilization: the action of making practical and effective use of something.

Adobe photoshop: is software that is extensively used for raster image editing, graphic design and digital art.

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